
Privacy Policy

This is the club privacy policy. It should be read in conjunction with our Data Procedures document which outlines how data flows through our club. 

What we need from members and participants 

Aberdeen Frontrunners will be a “controller” of the personal information that you provide to us in the membership form, unless otherwise stated. Please see our Data Procedure document for the up-to-date link to this form. 

When you run with Aberdeen Frontrunners for the first time, we will ask for the following information by way of completing a member registration form:


• Contact details – name, phone number, email address 

• Emergency contact – name, phone number, their relationship to you

•  Current level of running

•  Any disability or health issues 

What we need from volunteers 

Aberdeen Frontrunners will be a “controller” of the personal information that you provide to us in relation to any volunteering role. We will ask volunteers to provide 

• Appropriate contact details – name, phone number, email address 

• Emergency contact – name, phone number, their relationship to you 

• Any additional relevant qualifications that the volunteer may hold, such as first aid training. 

Our leaders will be asked to regularly complete a form asking for their availability, as per our Data Procedures document. 

Why we need your personal information 

We need to collect our participants’ personal information so that we can manage your membership. We will use this personal information to: 

• send members, participants and volunteers communications by email 

• ensure the club can honour its duty of care to its participants (i.e. keeping a record of emergency contacts and disability information) 

• where you have consented, we may also contact you by SMS or phone with updates about events you have signed up to as a participant or volunteer 

If a runner does not provide us with the personal information that we need to collect then this may affect our ability to offer our membership services, benefits and our ability to accept them as a participant in our events. The online form is designed to ensure the appropriate information is captured, with compulsory fields. 

We need information about an emergency contact in case you have an accident, become unwell, or otherwise need medical assistance during a club run, training session or event. These details will only be used for emergency purposes in the immediate health or safety interests of an Aberdeen Frontrunners member or event participant. 

Members must ensure these details are kept up to date and that they have told the individual or individuals to be contacted of the disclosure to Aberdeen Frontrunners of their details. 

Why we need your personal information – legitimate purposes 

We also process our members’ and volunteers personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interests to: 

• Promote and encourage participation in running by sending members communications and booking information for upcoming competitions and events. Members can unsubscribe from communications at any time by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link on the mailout, or emailing secretary@aberdeenfrontrunners.co.uk. 

• Our competitions and events may be filmed or photographed and your personal information may also be used in images captured from our competitions and events, which we use for promotional, education and development purposes. 

• Provide competition in running by accepting and managing entries for our events and checking your personal and sensitive information to ensure you are entered into the correct category. This information may also be shared with third parties who manage event entries, if required. 

• Provide information to our events volunteer pool, including safety information, pre-event briefing packs and event reminders by email, phone call and SMS 

• Develop and maintain our volunteers’ qualifications, including sending email communications to volunteers to inform them of upcoming courses, renewal requirements and verify that leaders and coaches have completed any mandatory training. 

• Ensure we can fulfil club activities by ensuring we have the information needed from our volunteers concerning availability 

• Respond to and communicate with members regarding your questions, comments, support needs or complaints, concerns or allegations in relation to Aberdeen Frontrunners. Where necessary we will use your personal information to investigate your complaint, suspend membership and take disciplinary action where appropriate. 

Where we process your personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to us using your personal information for the above purposes. If you wish to object to any of the above processing, please email secretary@aberdeenfrontrunners.co.uk. If we agree and comply with your objection, this may affect our ability to undertake the tasks above for the benefit of you as a member. 

Other uses of your personal information 

We may ask you if we can process your personal information for additional purposes. Where we do so, we will provide you with an additional privacy notice with information on how we will use your information for these additional purposes. 

We will analyse anonymised data to monitor club trends, collate statistics and award prizes to members at the annual awards ceremony. We may also provide anonymised, aggregate membership data to other organisations such as Scottish Athletics. 

Who we share your personal information with 

We may be required to share personal information with statutory or regulatory authorities and organisations to comply with statutory obligations. Such organisations include the Health & Safety Executive, Disclosure Scotland, and Police Scotland for the purposes of safeguarding. 

We may also share personal information with our professional and legal advisors for the purposes of taking advice. 

We may be asked to pass on personal information to Scottish Athletics/Jog Scotland in connection to the club’s affiliated status, and this will be processed in accordance to Scottish Athletics/Jog Scotland privacy policies. 

For the purposes of organising events, your information may be collected and processed by a third party affiliate to manage entries, collect payment and provide chip-timing results. 

If we do share personal information with external third parties, we will only share such personal information strictly required for specific purposes and take reasonable steps to ensure that recipients shall only process the disclosed personal information in accordance with those purposes.

How we protect your personal information 

On first contact with Aberdeen Frontrunners we collect your details on paper. This information is stored securely and we ask runners to register online as soon as possible. The paper record is destroyed as soon as possible. 

Your personal and sensitive information is stored on our cloud-based filing system, Google Drive. It is accessed by restricted members of our Committee (President, Secretary, Treasurer) for the purposes set out above. Other members of the Committee may access information if there is a need to do so. 

Please see our Data Procedures document for further information on how data flows through our club. 

How long we keep your personal information 

We will only keep your personal information for as long as necessary to provide you with membership services. We will ask you to provide updated information annually in November of each year. 

If you do not renew your membership, your name will be removed from the club register. Unless you ask us not to, we will review and delete your personal information where you have not renewed your membership with us for six years, to ensure the club has records for legal purposes, should the need arise. 

Anonymised membership data will be retained indefinitely. 

We will retain volunteer information for two years. You can volunteer with us each year and we will retain your data for two years after you last volunteer with us. 

Social media 

Our members are responsible for ensuring their privacy on our social media channels, Facebook, Instagram and Spond. We will not tag members in photos, but members should be aware that they may be tagged by other members. We remind members that they should check their privacy settings to limit this if required. 

Your rights 

You can exercise any of the following rights by writing to us at secretary@aberdeenfrontrunners.co.uk. 

Your rights in relation to your personal information are

• You have a right to request access to the information that we hold about you by making a “subject access request”. 

• If you believe that any of your personal or sensitive information is inaccurate or incomplete, you have a right to request that we correct or complete your personal information. 

• You have a right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information for specific purposes. 

• If you wish us to delete your personal information, you may request that we do so. 

• Any requests received by Aberdeen Frontrunners will be considered under applicable data protection legislation and will be responded to within one month from the date of contact. 

If you remain dissatisfied, you have a right to raise a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at www.ico.org.uk. 

Last Modified 13th December 2022

Data Procedures

This document is a guide to participants in our activities how we manage data within the club. 

The purpose is to capture basic information in case there is an emergency. 

The information we collect is as follows:

• Name  

• Email address

• Current level of running

• Emergency contact name 

• Emergency contact number 

• Any disabilities and/or health issues  

The runner is asked to agree to our privacy policy, which will be linked on the Google form.

The contact/emergency contact information is collected on the basis that if there is an issue during the run, we may need to get in touch with them or an emergency contact. 

We ask for their email address so that a committee member can contact them with information about how to register as a full paying member, any future runnig events and any other club activities. 

Online Runners Form 

When a member comes along to our club for the first time, we ask them to complete a member registration form. This is a Google form. You can read about Google’s Cloud based GDPR policy by visiting https://cloud.google.com/security/gdpr/. In particular, we are satisfied by the measures they have put in place to secure data. 

On the first page we give a link to our privacy policy. 

We collect: 

• Forename 

• Surname 

• Email 

• To help us plan, what is your current level of running (if at all)?

• If you are a regular runner, what distances do you currently run? 

• Do you want to join the Couch to 5k beginner's running group?

• Please give us an emergency contact name 

• Emergency contact number 

• Please tell us of any disability / health issues the club should be aware of before running with us

• Is there anything else you want to tell us? 

• Can we contact you via email? (Yes/No)

• Do you agree to uphold the Aims of the Club and to abide by the Club Constitution? (Yes I agree) 

• Do you accept our privacy policy? (Yes, I accept)


Once submitted, the club secretary will be in contact with a welcome email detailing further information about club membership and payment. The club treasurer will process the membership data by checking payments have been made against each member, and adding the member to the club register. 

The information, and any backups, is held on the club Google Drive, and accessible by the committee. Committee members can access it only through aweb interface or app on Google Drive – in particular it is not held on any personal devices, and if any personal devices are lost we can remove access to ensure security. 

Personal data from submitted forms is not shared to any third party outside of the committee. Anonymised information will be passed to Scottish Athletics during the annual affiliation process. 

Club Kit 

We have a Google form for ordering club kit. As above, we are satisfied by the measures Google have in place to store data. In this form we collect


• Full Name 

• Email 

• Sizes and fit information 

The email address is used by the committee to contact the person placing the order, regarding their order (for example, to confirm payment, stock and/or when the kit will be ready to collect). 


The club register is a list of the members of the club and is collected via Spond. This is collected so we can gather statistical data about our attendance across the year. 

The electronic forms of the register will be held on Google Drive and are password protected. Any analysis of the data will also be held on Google Drive and is password protected. These documents contain the runner’s name. 

The paper forms of the register are held securely so they can be processed. Once the data has been processed, we will destroy the paperwork by shredding it. 

Data Retention 

We have decided that we will keep membership data for six years for legal reasons. During this time, the data will be held securely as above. Once this period of time expires, the data will be anonymised and kept indefinitely.

Last Modified 13th December 2022

Club Constitution

1 Title

The title of the Club shall be Aberdeen FrontRunners.


2 Objects

a) The objects of the Club shall be:

to promote health and wellbeing through running among lesbian, gay male, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) adults, regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or physical ability;

to combat discrimination and homophobia in sport, and to encourage LGBT involvement in the sporting and local community;

to provide coaching for the members and to organise competitions and social activities.


b) In pursuit of these objects the Club shall promote equal opportunities and encourage gender parity.


3 Affiliation

a) The Club shall seek to become affiliated to International Front Runners and support communications between Front Runners Clubs.

b) The Club shall seek to become affiliated to Scottish Athletics in order to carry out the objects of the Club.


4 Membership

a) Membership shall be open to anyone aged 18 or over with an interest in running and who supports the objects of the Club.

b) Application for membership shall be made in writing to the Committee.

c) Members shall be those who pay the annual Membership Fee.

d) Members shall be amateurs, according to the UK Athletics definition of an amateur.

e) Guests may participate in Club events, upon payment of a Guest Fee. (Guests are not eligible to vote at the AGM.)

f) Any Member or Guest guilty of misconduct (i.e. behaviour contrary to this Constitution, the Club’s Code of Conduct, or the standard set by UK Athletics) may be cautioned once or, in the case of Members, expelled from the Club by a majority decision of the Committee.  Any person expelled shall have the right to appeal to a Committee meeting held at her/his request not later than 2 weeks from the date of the expulsion.


5 Management

a) Management of the Club shall be by committee consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and roles agreed by the committee up to a maximum of 10 people, formally appointed at the AGM.

b) A quorum for the Committee shall be four.

c) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional Committee members from time to time, up to a maximum of three.

d) Committee members shall be elected by a majority of the membership at the AGM. The Club Secretary or another Club member selected by the Committee shall act as election officer, whose responsibility it shall be to oversee the election process at the AGM.

e) Committee members shall serve a term of one year and may stand for re-election at the AGM at the end of their term. The terms of President and Vice President are capped at two year terms; they may only continue for another year beyond this if no-one else volunteers to fill this position.

f) Committee posts falling vacant during the course of the year may be filled by election by a majority of the existing Committee members.

g) The Committee shall meet at times and places agreed by its members to discuss the business of the Club.  There shall be a minimum of four meetings each year.

h) All decisions shall be by majority vote; the President shall only have a casting vote in the event of a tie.


6 Annual General Meeting

a) An Annual General Meeting shall be held in October each year, or as soon thereafter as the committee can arrange it.

b) The Annual General Meeting shall be held for the purpose of:

receiving the President’s Annual Report;

receiving the statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet;

approving the annual Membership Fee and Guest Fee;

electing the Committee members for the ensuing year;

considering any amendments to the Constitution;

any other business.

c) Motions to be discussed must be submitted in writing to the Club Secretary at least fifteen days before the meeting.

d) A quorum for the AGM shall be 20% of the paid-up membership.

e) Each fully paid-up member at the meeting shall have one vote.  The President shall have only a casting vote.

f) At least fourteen days’ notice shall be given to members of the date, venue and agenda items of the AGM. Notification of the meeting shall be by email, website, newsletter, advertisement or by post.


7 Extraordinary General Meeting

a) An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Committee either of its own initiative or upon receipt of a written request from 20% of the paid-up membership, to discuss matters of pressing urgency.

b) At least 4 weeks’ notice shall be given to members of the date, venue and agenda for the EGM. Notification of the meeting shall be by email, website, newsletter, advertisement or by post.

c) Voting rules at Extraordinary General Meetings are the same as for AGMs.


8 Amendments to the Constitution

a) The Constitution may not be amended except at an AGM, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose, and then only by a two-thirds majority of those voting members present.

b) Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by a two-thirds majority of a quorate meeting of the Committee, or by the petition in writing of 20% of the paid-up ordinary membership of the Club, received by the President or Club Secretary at least 15 days prior to the Annual General Meeting or 4 weeks before an Extraordinary General Meeting, in order that all members shall have sufficient notice of the proposal.


9 Finance and Annual Accounts

a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping true accounts of the income and expenditure of the Club. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining and operating the necessary bank accounts on the Club’s behalf and shall conduct all financial operations in the interest of the Club.

b) The financial year shall end on 31 October each year.

c) Banking account(s) shall be opened in the name of the Club and cheques/withdrawals shall be signed by any nominated Committee members.

d) There shall be no limit on the amount of withdrawal by nominated Committee members.

e) Bank accounts will be overviewed by non-signing members of the Committee on a minimum bi-monthly basis, to ensure the accounts are being operated in line with club requirements.

f) The Club may receive donations, grants in aid and financial guarantees.

g) The income and property of the Club whencesoever derived shall be applied solely towards promoting the objects of the Club as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly to any member or members of the Club except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the Club.


10 Membership Fee

a) Members shall pay an annual Membership Fee.

b) Membership shall commence on the first day of November, and shall continue for 12 months.

c) The Membership Fee shall only be reconfirmed or changed at the AGM, by a majority of the members present.

d) The Membership Fee shall apply to all Club members, except that it shall be a reduced fee for student members and unwaged members.

e) Members who wish to join after the 1st November will be charged a fee based on a quarterly reduction, with the quarters starting on 1st February, 1st May & 1st August.

f)  Members will be given thirty days notice prior to the expiry of their membership.


11 Membership Cancellations

a) Any member wishing to cancel their membership must do so in writing to the Club Secretary.

b) Membership cancellation shall be held as effective on the date of tendering, except that cancellations shall not be accepted if the member is financially indebted to the Club:  acceptance shall be withheld until the debt is discharged.

c) No Membership Fee (or portion thereof) shall be refunded to individuals who cancel their membership.


12 Club Colours

a) Club colours must be worn by all Members representing the Club at every competitive meeting.

b) The Club colours are charcoal and red, to a design as agreed by a majority vote of the Committee and approved by Scottish Athletics Limited (SAL)

c) Club Colours will be available to view on the Club website and as Appendix 1 of the Constitution


13 Dissolution

a) The Committee, by a two-thirds majority of a quorate meeting, may decide to dissolve the Club.  The Committee must then call an Extraordinary General Meeting, giving at least 4 weeks’ notice of the meeting to all Club members.

b) Alternatively, 10 ordinary paid-up members may petition the Secretary in writing, to call an Extraordinary General Meeting to debate dissolution of the Club.  The Club Secretary must give at least 4 weeks’ notice of the meeting to all Club members.

c) Voting rights as at the Annual General Meeting apply.

d) If the motion is passed by a two-thirds majority, the club is then dissolved.

e) In the event of the Club being wound up, any assets remaining upon dissolution after the payment of proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to a charitable institution or institutions having similar objects to those of the Club.

Last Modified 19th October 2023

Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy and Procedure

Policy Statement 

Aberdeen Front Runners, hereafter referred to as ‘the Club’, is committed to providing excellent service to its members. It recognises that compliments, comments, and complaints received should be treated positively and considered with care as a potential means of improving the club.

All members of the club are expected to act in a way that is consistent with the Club Code of Conduct. Any member may make a compliment, comment or complaint regarding any element of their membership. This may include the systems and processes of running the club (where the action is directed towards the Management Committee as a whole), the actions of an individual committee member or jog-lead, hereby referred to as ‘a volunteer’, or the actions of another member.


A compliment is an expression of praise to the Club itself or volunteer. It may include an occasion where support has been given by a volunteer which was above and beyond the standard expected. Once we receive a compliment it will be shared with the relevant volunteer and among the committee. Compliments are a way of increasing volunteer confidence, showing improvement in performance and measuring the quality of the services we deliver. Compliments can be received in person to a committee member or by completion of the welfare form on our website.


Comments, including suggestions and concerns can be made in person to a committee member, the committee member will then add this to the agenda for the next committee meeting for discussion. Comments can also be submitted by completion of the welfare form on the club website, these will also be discussed at the committee meeting. Informal resolution of any concerns will be considered as appropriate.


A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about: the club, its volunteers or its members.  In the first instance, the complainant should complete the welfare form on the club website, this will be sent to the club Vice President.  Alternatively, the complainant can contact the Club Vice President via email.  The Vice President will discuss the complaint with the Club President.  If the complaint is regarding the Vice President, the complainant should contact the Club President by email, they will then discuss the complaint with the Club Secretary. 

A member will be asked to consider if they wish this issue to be considered informally or formally.

Informal Complaints

Informal resolution of the issue will be attempted in the first instance by the Vice President and President 

Formal Complaints

If a member wishes to make their concerns formal, the procedure detailed below should be adhered to:

1. The member shall raise their complaint in writing by completion of the welfare form or by email to the Vice President and/or President 

2. The club will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 14 days. Please contact another member of the committee if this timescale is not met. 

3. The complaint will be discussed at the next scheduled, or specially convened committee meeting. 

4. The complainant will receive a written response*, via email, regarding the outcome of the committee’s discussion and actions to be taken. 

Whilst we will endeavour to keep the identity of the complainant and subject matter of the complaint confidential, this may not always be possible. The Vice President and/or President and/or Secretary will discuss this with you on receipt of the complaint.

If a member makes a complaint about you. 

If another member of the club makes a complaint regarding your behaviour, you can expect the following to occur. As above, the Vice President and/or Club President and/or Secretary will try to resolve the complaint informally with the complainant. However, the complainant does have the right to make their issue formal if they so desire. In that case, the committee will follow this process:

1. The Vice President and/or President and/or Secretary will inform you via email that the complaint has been received

2. The Club will ask for a written response from you regarding the issues raised by the complainant. This response will be time specific. 

3. The club will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 14 days. Please contact another member of the committee if this timescale is not met. 

4. The complaint will be discussed at the next scheduled, or specially convened committee meeting. 

5. The complainant will receive a written response*, via email, regarding the outcome of the committee’s discussion and actions to be taken. 

Time Limits 

Complaints will only be considered if they are made within 6 months of the date on which the matter occurred.

What happens at the Committee Meeting 

The complaint is discussed at the next available committee meeting. At this point, details of the nature of the complaint are shared. If the nature of the complaint relates to another member of the club, details of any response received will also be shared. The committee shall explore the nature of the complaint and then vote on the outcome. The outcome will either be "complaint upheld" or "complaint not upheld". The decision of the committee will be based upon how the majority of those committee members vote. The President's vote will only be casted to decide a tie. 

Outcome actions 

During the discussion of the complaint, depending on the outcome the committee can decide if further action is required. Potential actions are listed below (the list is indicative and not exhaustive):

● No action required 

● Written warning 

● Suspension for (decided) period of time 

● Expulsion from the club 

● Lifetime ban 

Complaints about, or from, a Committee Member 

If a complaint is made about a serving committee member, a similar approach to above will be taken. However, the committee member will be excluded from the discussion and will not have a vote in deciding the outcome. If a committee member makes a formal complaint against a club member (i.e. not a member of the committee), said committee member will be excluded from the discussion and will not have a vote in deciding the outcome. If one committee member makes a formal complaint against another, both will be excluded from the discussion and neither will have a vote in deciding the outcome. 

What happens at the Committee Meeting


The complaint is discussed at the next scheduled committee meeting. At this point, details of the nature of the complaint are shared. If the nature of the complaint relates to another member of the club, details of any response received will also be shared. The committee shall explore the nature of the complaint and then vote on the outcome. The outcome will either be "complaint valid" or "complaint not valid". The decision of the committee will be based upon how the majority of those committee members vote. The President's vote will only be cast to decide a tie. 

Outcome actions 

During the discussion of the complaint, depending on the outcome the committee can decide if further action is required. Potential actions are listed below, which are in addition to the ordinary members’ potential outcome actions listed in the previous section (such actions not being exhaustive and decided on a case by case basis):


● Removal from the committee 

Right to Appeal 

In any of the above scenarios, members have the right to appeal the outcome reached by the committee in regards to complaints received. If you would like to appeal the outcome of our complaints procedure, you should email the President within 14 days of receiving the initial outcome decision. Any additional information which supports your case to appeal should be submitted at this time. Appeals will be treated as detailed in the diagrams above and will be discussed at the next available committee meeting.

*The welfare form allows complainants to remain anonymous, if the complainant chooses to remain anonymous they will not receive a written response. 

Club Aims

As a club, we aim to:

• To promote health and wellbeing through running among lesbian, gay male, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)+ adults, regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or physical ability

• To provide coaching for the members and to organise competitions and social activities.

• To combat discrimination and homophobia in sport, and to encourage LGBT involvement in the sporting and local community

• In pursuit of these aims the Club promotes equal opportunities and encourages gender parity

Last Modified 13th December 2022

Code of Conduct

All Members and Guests participating in any activity under the auspices of Aberdeen FrontRunners are required to abide by the Club’s Code of Conduct.


Personal Safety

You are responsible for your own safety and for the safety of other participants in Club events.  You must be clear about the nature of the event before you take part, and be comfortable that it is within your capabilities – please contact the Club Secretary or President if you would like clarification.  You must ensure that you wear appropriate clothing for the event.



AFR, through its affiliation to Scottish Athletics, has third party public liability insurance that protects the Club and Club Members (only) against being sued as a result of activities organised by the Club.  That insurance is not personal accident or travel insurance and you are advised to take out appropriate insurance, especially for events which are abroad or where payment has to be made in advance.


Behaviour and Respect for Others

Participants in AFR activities must behave responsibly and comply with the law. This means, for example, abiding by rights of way legislation, and avoiding behaviour which could be perceived as unreasonable, infringe public decency or bring the Club into disrepute.

AFR is an equal opportunities Club and welcomes all adults, regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or physical ability.  AFR is a group where people can meet and enjoy friendship in an open and relaxed environment. Members

and Guests shall treat each other and members of the public with respect.  No Member or Guest should feel that they have to disclose personal information or explain any aspect of their lifestyle.

Members and Guests will have differing levels of comfort about their sexuality and some may be nervous about participating in a group that seeks to encourage LGBT involvement in the sporting and local community.  Please be especially sensitive to other Members and Guests in this regard.  Members with particular responsibilities within AFR (e.g. committee members) should take special care not to take advantage of that position, either deliberately or unwittingly.

It is acceptable to take photographs at Club events but Members and Guests should not photograph anyone against their will.  If you intend to submit the photograph to the newsletter, social media sites or the website you should advise the people you are photographing of that.  The Club may use photographs submitted to it for publicity purposes.  Copyright of any images used remains that of the photographer.  AFR retains the right to use any images submitted and will not financially benefit in any way.  When an image is used the photographer will be credited.



Details of people and events provided to Members are done so for their use in attending or organising AFR events.  Details of people attending must not be passed on from organisers unless required by emergency services.  Details of events should not be passed to non-Members except to enable them to attend an event as a Guest.

The Club keeps addresses and other information about Members securely and will never share those details with third parties, except for the purposes of Club affiliation.


Limits to Authority

AFR gains useful publicity through press exposure and websites/social networking sites.  However, please do not make statements on behalf of the Club unless you are authorised to do so.  If you have ideas for publicity, please contact a Committee Member.  You may not commit the Club to any expenditure unless you are specifically authorised to do so.


Supporting AFR

AFR welcomes guests to its events.  If a Guest continues to attend events after their first free trial run, they will be encouraged to join the Club as a Member, or to pay the current Guest Fee.

AFR functions entirely on voluntary effort – no-one is paid for their work on behalf of the Club.  We encourage all Members to support the Club by helping to run it, which might be through organizing an event, hosting visitors, or working for the Committee.

Last Modified 13th December 2022

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